About Me!

I’m Alex (they/them). I also go by Mx. Alex (pronounced Mix) or simply Sir.
I am a grey asexual, panromantic, trans and genderfluid Dominant. It’s quite the mouthful, isn’t it?
I’ve been writing since childhood. Though my taste in literature varies, I’ve always been drawn to a good love story.
I’ve been writing all my life but didn’t complete my first full-length novel until I was in my early twenties. The next few years were spent working on odd projects, a few of which were completed and many more that never were. Finally, I had an idea for a series of fantasy novels. It was really just one scene to begin with: a man and woman who weren’t allowed to openly love each other give in to a moment of passion and make love. From that scene was born a 125,000 word story I titled The Lady of the Mark. From there, the world of Oda Karrith, the characters, and the stories grew until I knew I had something worth publishing.
I tried for 6 years to get traditionally published, and after 151 rejections, I almost lost hope. But then, I decided my stories were too good to just throw away, so I started looking into self-publishing with the dream of just sharing them with others. I never expected my books to become what they are today nor the influx of love and support I got from the writing and reading communities I was blessed enough to find. I’m honored to share this journey with you all, and I hope to continue giving you amazing stories to get lost in and characters to fall in love with for many years to come.
As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ and BDSM communities, I strive to bring more diversity into the world through my books. Some of my stories include BDSM elements that are as sexy as they are safe, sane, and consensual.
Please practice safe kink.
I live in Northwestern Pennsylvania with my partner and our two special needs dogs. When not writing, I enjoy camping, skiing, and going to the movies for date night. I also love to play board games, video games, and D&D with my friends.
See you on the next page & happy reading!
Contact Me
You can also email me anytime at mx.alex44@gmail.com